Why do I think buying real estate in Boston is a solid investment?

Why do I think Boston housing is such a solid investment? 4.6%!

That is the average condo sale price appreciation in Boston every year, for the last 15 years. Yes, this is factoring in both the crash in 2008 and the boom from covid, when you average it all out, sold condo prices in Boston have risen 4.6% every year.

I know the easiest thing to think about here is “oh I wish I had bought a home 10 years ago” but that’s not my point - I wish I could have written the correct numbers on that $1B Powerball ticket - we’re focused on the future. And if on average over a decade and a half, through the best and worst of it, if homes still appreciated like that, I think that paints a pretty clear picture for what the future could look like.

It’s never too late to start. If you feel like 2023 might be the year for you to take the plunge and buy your first home, send me a message and let’s chat about how we can make that happen.