Here’s the story of how we helped our sellers turn their $900,000 home into a $1,051,000 home in just 2 months, by using our home seller Concierge program - $151k more in value!!

Our clients needed to move for work, and their home needed a significant facelift inside before we could sell it. I had told them in it’s current condition we’d be lucky if we got $900,000 for it - I even brought a few buyers through the property early on just to see it before we did any work, and they were too scared of its condition to buy it.

Our sellers decided to team up with us, using our Compass Concierge program, to help prepare their home for sale. We helped them get their home:

  • Fully repainted

  • Fixing some woodworking/trim

  • Refinished a lot of the floors/stairs

  • Deep cleaned & junk removal

  • Fully staged

The total cost them roughly $35,000, however, because they went through our concierge program they only had to pay $10,000 up front, the other $25,000 was fully fronted by Compass, they never paid for it, and Compass was reimbursed at the sale closing!

The transformation was incredible!

look at some of our before & after photos:

In the end, the house that would be lucky if it sold for $900,000, ended up receiving multiple offers and selling for $1,051,000! THAT’S $116,000 IN PROFIT TO OUR SELLER IN JUST 2 MONTHS, AND WE MANAGED THE ENTIRE PROJECT FOR THEM!

Want to learn more about how you can work with us and our concierge program to sell your home? Fill out the form below.